Who We Are

The parish church of St Francis of Assisi,
Terriers, owes its existence largely to the generosity of Mrs
Henrietta Frances Field. The church building was designed by Sir
Giles Gilbert Scott and dedicated on 11th October 1930. It was extensively restored in 2013-2014 in a project primarily funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Our church is on Amersham Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, on the north-eastern flank of the town.
We warmly welcome Christians of all traditions to join us in worship. Our normal service times are on Sunday at 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. and on Wednesday at 10.00 a.m. Full details of these and other services are in our Diary.
Information about getting married in our church is available from our downloads page.
Messy Church
- is a way of being church for families involving fun
- is a church, not a craft club, that helps people encounter Jesus
- values are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration
The musical parts of the service are led by a robed choir, which meets in church to practise on Thursday evenings, except during the summer holidays. The sessions normally start at 7.30 p.m., but there is a 7.00 p.m. start when a PCC meeting or service takes place on the same evening. PCC meetings are on the second Thursday of the month and affect the choir from September to January and May to July. More singers are always welcome to join us - contact the Organist for more information.
Prayer for Healing
A Prayer Group meets regularly to pray for those who are sick, and the members of this group are available each month (usually on the 4th Sunday) in the side chapel after the 10.00 Parish Communion to pray with anyone who requests it. On four Sundays a year we offer Prayer for Healing (including the laying on of hands or anointing for those who wish) as a regular part of the Parish Communion.
Friends of St Francis
A group of people on the Facebook social network who have a special interest in Terriers Church and its activities. You can join the group on its Facebook page .