If you have any suggestions for inclusion on this list then the Webmaster will be pleased to hear from you.
Local Churches

St Andrews Church |
This is one of our Anglican neighbours - a lively church based in a modern building. |
All Saints High Wycombe |
The Parish Church for High Wycombe - a large and active town centre church. |
Holy Trinity Hazlemere |
Another of our Anglican neighbours - with congregations based not just at Holy Trinity Church, but at 'cells' using other buildings within the parish. |
St Michael and
All Angels, Hughenden a neighbouring parish church in
parkland on the Hughenden estate.
Totteridge Baptist |
Our Baptist neighbours in Hillary Road, Totteridge. |
St Wulstan’s Catholic Church |
St Wulstan's Catholic Church founded on 1 October 2010, by the Right Reverend Peter Doyle, Bishop of Northampton. The parish developed initially from four church communities in and around the town of High Wycombe - at Totteridge, Booker, Hazlemere and Downley.
There are now two churches: St Wulstan’s in Totteridge and Our Lady of Grace in Booker. |
If you have any suggestions for inclusion on this list then the Webmaster will be pleased to hear from you.
Royal Grammar School High Wycombe |
The Royal Grammar School High Wycombe, known colloquially as the RGS, is by far the largest school in the parish. It moved from the town to its site in Amersham Road in 1914 and is now one of the leading state schools in the country |
Highworth Combined School |
Highworth Combined School and Nursery is situated just off Totteridge Lane and has school places for 420 children plus nursery places for 130. |
Hazlemere CofE School |
Located behind Holy Trinity Church in neighbouring Hazlemere, this school has close links to Terriers Church through several of our members. |
If you have any suggestions for inclusion on this list then the Webmaster will be pleased to hear from you.
Lutheran Church in Sibiu, Romania |
This historic church supports a range of activities and projects as well as being a principal spiritual home of German-speaking Christians in Transylvania. |
Bible Reading Fellowship |
Since 1922 the BRF has been working to engage people of all ages with the Bible, both inside and beyond the church. The BRF was the chosen beneficiary of our 2009 Lent Project. |
Water Aid |
Tackling one of the basic human needs - for clean water - this is a charity that we have supported at our Harvest Festival. |
Iain Rennie Hospice at Home |
This is a local charity with which we have links through members of the congregation and which we supported through our 2006 Lent Project. |
Pax Christi |
We have a strong commitment to Justice and Peace at St Francis, reflected through our connection with this international Catholic movement for peace and reconciliation. |
Amnesty International |
We encourage you to take part in the Card-writing Campaign each Christmas. |
The Franciscans |
We value our links with the the Society of St Francis. |
Center for Action and Contemplation |
Another valued Franciscan source - Fr Richard Rohr's CAC - with several email subscription options, including a daily meditation. |
The Whitechapel Mission |
We support the work of the Whitechapel Mission among the street people of the East End of London, specifically by donating clothing and consumables via our Harvest Festival service each year.
Wycombe Homeless Connection |
Wycombe Homeless Connection seeks to provide comprehensive support to people in the Wycombe area who are homeless and beyond the reach of other provision. Our prayer is that all those we support will experience the love of Jesus Christ in action.
The South Bucks Hospice |
We have close links with the South Bucks Hospice,
which has recently moved into the parish.
Wycombe Women’s Aid |
Wycombe Women’s Aid is a registered charity working in the Wycombe, South Bucks and Chiltern Districts of Buckinghamshire. We work with women and children who are experiencing or trying to escape domestic violence and who are dealing with its effects and consequences.
If you have any suggestions for inclusion on this list then the Webmaster will be pleased to hear from you.
Recycle for Buckinghamshire |
Lots of information about recycling locally, including how you can make a difference through small-scale initiatives. |
Christian Ecology Link |
This is a multi denominational Christian organisation
for people concerned about the Environment and the website has lots of news, resources and information. |
Eco-congregation |
An ecumenical Christian organisation that encourages churches to consider environmental issues as part of their mission. |
If you have any suggestions for inclusion on this list then the Webmaster will be pleased to hear from you.
Counselling Directory is a confidential service that encourages those in distress to seek help. The directory contains information on many different types of distress, as well as articles, news, and events. To ensure the professionalism of our website, all counsellors have provided us with qualifications and insurance cover or proof of membership with a professional body. |
Church Urban Fund Bringing the Church together to support Christians called to work with the poorest and most marginalised in England, transforming lives. In this link you can see some intersting statistics about our local parish and in relation to the national picture across england. |
Church Urban Fund National Statitics |
Church Urban Fund Regional Statistics for Terriers |
Learning for Discipleship and Ministry |
Details on Learning for Discipleship and Ministry. |
The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. |
God's Politics |
A blog by Jim Wallis and friends. |
Friends of St Francis Facebook page |
A group of people on the Facebook social network who have a special interest in Terriers Church and its activities. |
Wycombe Deanery |
Gives access to information about churches in our Deanery, plus news and contacts. |
Diocese of Oxford |
Gives access to news, events and contacts for our diocese. |
Watch |
News, opinions and campaigns about equal opportunities for women in the Anglican community. |
Bucksonline |
Gives access to details of local authority services across Buckinghamshire, plus a large amount of other information, this has been set up as a community web site and contains lots of useful links. |
Wycombe District Council |
The place to go for information on any aspect of WDC's services, with links to many local and community organisations and events. |
Organ Recitals |
A comprehensive source of information for forthcoming organ recitals nationally. This site has a wealth of information about where to go, with links providing additional details of recitalists and instruments. |
If you have any suggestions for inclusion on this list then the Webmaster will be pleased to hear from you.
Totteridge Community Centre |
Taking over the former Totteridge Social Club, which closed in 2007, this charity organisation is refurbishing the building as a centre for the local community. |
T & T News |
A supplement to the printed local free magazine, with online updates, news of local events and downloadable back-numbers. |
Chiltern Camerata |
An amateur adult string orchestra which meets in the High Wycombe area during school term time - our church was one of the rehearsal venues. They give public concerts in church a couple of times a year and have accompanied our Christmas Carol service for several years. |
Silver Star Line Dance Club |
Runs a dance class in our Church Hall on Tuesday evenings. |
Marlow & District Railway Society |
This is the local society for railway enthusiasts of all types. Holding regular monthly meetings at the Bourne End Community Centre, it draws its membership from a wide area, including High Wycombe, Marlow, Bourne End, Maidenhead and Henley. Several members live in the Terriers/Hazlemere/Holmer Green area. |