
We are a friendly and inclusive church on the northern side of High Wycombe, in the Chiltern Hills between London and Oxford. We are part of Wycombe Deanery and of the High Wycombe Team Ministry in the Diocese of Oxford.
Our church building was designed by Sir Giles Gilbert-Scott and has been recently restored. Usually it is open to the public every day during daylight hours.
We have a modern church hall which is used by local community groups and can be booked online for meetings or parties.

About Us

  • Thank you to all involved in organising our Advent Fayre on 24 November which raised more then £800.
  • Thank you to St Francis and Highworth School Choirs for singing so well at the Lessons and Carols service on 15 December
  • All are welcome to our Christmas services

Messy Church

Christingle Saturday 21 December 4.00pm in church

Next Sunday

08.00 10:00


Our Sunday services are:

8:00 am Holy Communion said service

10:00 am Parish Communion which is livestreamed at www.facebook.com/stfrancislivestream.

St Francis Christmas Services